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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Zimbabwe Better Not Go Away

The recent election crisis in Zimbabwe just proves that it is time for international action for the divided country. As Robert Mugabe continues to maintain power at twenty eight years, the country has an economy in shambles, with inflation in the thousands of percent, and it is time for a change. After it was decided there would be a runoff, Opposition Leader Morgan Tsvangirai accused the government of election tampering, and Mugabe has done the same.

The international community has sat back and waited on the issue, just to not put themselves in a predicament of disfavor. China, although, has actually sent large military shipments to Zimbabwe, continuing to stir international tensions among their African ties. They also support the Sudanese government while they systematically attempt to destroy an entire race of people within the country. What all this proves is that the international sanctions that need to be placed on Zimbabwe should be those that pin China into a corner.

Yet, what chance is there that the international community would do such a thing? Little to none, is the most likely answer to that question. What it comes down to is sovereignty, and letting nations work out their own election woes usually creates a sense of pride within those countries. And no, it isn't because Zimbabwe doesn't have oil. That is the weakest argument of them all, as, whether or not you know it, Sudan has rich petroleum and natural gas reserves.

It is not up to just a few governments to make a stand. There must be a solid, united international community to help Zimbabwe get out of this crisis. Just twenty years ago, Zimbabwe was the toast of Africa with a booming economy. Now it is a time for change. Let's hope the international community doesn't isolate Zimbabwe as it has with Sudan, or we may have another round of systematic killings in the oft-troubled African continent.

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